Something interesting found in my last book readed "Body for life" by Bill Phillips, enjoy it!

Crossing the Abyss

There is a world of difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it

Many people know how to exercise. Some know how to eat right, too. In fact, this vast and ever-expanding population of people who have yet to successfully change even includes doctors and professors who know all about the human body.

What this people are missing is the ability to apply knowledge. Without that skill, it doesn’t matter how much you know, you’ll be stranded at the edge of an infinite chasm call the abyss.

Until you discover how to cross the abyss, you will struggle. You will have setbacks. And you may even lose hope.

Real change always starts on inside. And that is where you’re going to have to find the answer to the first question:

Have you made the decision to change?

How many people have truly decided to change? Very few. Why? Because there’s a big difference between deciding something and having reasons to actually do it.

When you make a decision to make a change and you know your reasons, you will harness the force-the desire to make something happen.

What are your reasons for making the decision to change?

You see, it’s one thing to say you’ve decided to lose 30 pounds of fat and get in shape. It’s a whole other thing to have your doctor tell you you’ll be dead in year and never see your children ‘s children if you don’t lose 30 pounds, pronto.

Everyone knows deep down inside he has a number of reasons for deciding to change. I can’t tell you exactly what they are, but I can tell you they are there.

Here are a few questions that will help you identify your reason:

When you look at yourself, do you honestly like what you see?

It’s important to really look. Since we see ourselves everyday, we often don’t notice if we’re slipping. If we’re not careful, before long, the image we have of ourselves in our minds will not be in sync with reality.

I suggest you also have someone take a photo of you, standing relatively relaxed with your arms at your side, in a pair of shorts or a swimsuit. Get that photo developed and look at it.

How do you feel deep down inside?

How do you really feel about yourself?

Are you confident, energetic and strong?

Do you often wonder if you’re on the right path?

What are the pros and cons of continuing in the direction you’re going?

Would you like to create a brighter future?

When you answer these questions, you reasons for making the decision to change will become clear. When they do, write them down on a piece of paper, and read what you’ve written first thing in the morning and again at night before you go to sleep.

These reasons will remain your guiding light, your beacon, during the journey you have now decided to begin.

Focusing Your Future Vision

We all have three types of vision-historical, present and future. Where you are in life and where you will go from here has a lot to do with what type of vision you allow to dominate your thoughts, decisions and actions.

A person whose actions are dominated by historical vision believes that just about everything that’s important, enjoyable or significant in his or her life has already happened.

These folks spend a lot of time reflecting on the good old days-used to be is the mantra of mantra of people with historical vision. They would rather look backward than forward because it’s easier to reminisce about where they’ve been than to try to figure out where they’re going. People with that kind of focus are reluctant to accept new ideas or opportunities and they have trouble sticking with anything challenging.

What’s worse is that individuals with historical vision are very uncomfortable with the growth of others because it threatens the structure and apparent equilibrium of their own lives. They are uncomfortable with evolution, so a positive change in those around them is something they fear. The fact is they probably feel, at some level, that they’re going to be left behind if they don’t start moving their own behinds. And the truth is, they’re probably right.

Far too many people who want to create a better body and more fulfilling life are dominated by present vision.

They aren’t obsessed with going back in time, but neither are they focused nearly enough on the future. These people have tremendous potential to improve, rapidly. They just need guidance-someone to help them to look forward instead of focusing so much on this moment.

People whose daily actions are governed by future vision are, on the other hand, continually growing. They are constantly taking in new and bigger challenges. They are always creating, modifying and improving their vision of the future. What has happened to such people in the past is not ignored or denied-those experiences are used to develop skills that help them get where they want to go. But it’s always where they’re going that remains the primary focus.

When you develop a strong future vision you don’t have to force yourself to set goals, your mind just compels you to set them. And every time you accomplish an objective it’s not the end of anything; it’s the beginning, the starting point for another stage of an ongoing journey of progress, development, growth and adventure.

However, you must transform your dreams into goals and write them down. It really does work. It’s very important to understand the difference between dreams and goals.

Dreams are things you wish for-things you enjoy thinking about but really don’t know when or if they’ll happen. Goals, on the other hand, are specific things you have decided you need to accomplish within a clearly defined period of time.

Here’s another important point: Your goals come from your dreams. Powerful dreams of positive changes in your life add even more fuel to your transformation. But you must create goals that are in sync with your dreams become even more inspiring, which, in turn, creates even more goals and more desire.

Remember that everything you do in your real world is merely an external manifestation of what was already happened in your mind. That’ s where the relativity well-know maxim “If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it” comes from. And it’s true. In your mind, anything is possible. Anything you want to happen in your life-that you really want to achieve-you have to rehearse in your mind.

Patterns of action

Now that we’ve decided to change and we’ve become more clear about our future, we need to look at our patterns of action, which brings us to the new important question I need you to answer:

Which three patterns of actions might prevent you from reaching your goals?

Think about it and write down the three patterns of action which you believe might hold you back. Once you’ve done that please answer this question:

Which three new patterns do you need to establish to reach your goals?

You must identify both the patterns you will stop and the new ones you will start. You see, I’ve discovered one of the reasons so many people fail to break their bad habits is because they merely focus on what they shouldn’t be doing – what they shouldn’t eat, that they shouldn’t smoke or drink – all these things they shouldn’t do.

I recommend you focus just as much on things you should start doing because new patterns help “crowd out” the unauthorized ones.

By the time you’ve identified three patterns of action that are unauthorized and three new ones you need to start, you’ll be on your way. Then you will able to apply the knowledge which you are about to learn.